So if you’ve read my last article on how much it really costs to develop a SaaS product, you’ll know there are many factors involved. Based on your comments and feedback, I’ve decided to continue the post with Part 2 that involves real-life examples and numbers.

The cases listed below are from STDev’s company profile. It’s important to keep in mind that these projects are mid and large-scale, so smaller products will require a smaller budget. Due to NDAs and contracts, direct project links are omitted. However, to get a quick calculation of how much it will cost to develop your SaaS Product, use the STDev calculator.
Remember, the key is to work with the outsource development company to ask how and why they arrived at the price they did. When talking with the company having a clear concept of what your project is and using the Time and Materials model to do a rough calculation on your own before taking meetings.
Formula: Cost = Time required X Rate (per hour, per day, per month) + anything else that may be required.
Case #1 Review Collection and Management System
With this project, STDev developed the following:
- Backend API
- Website development
- User dashboard
- Native iOS and Android apps
- Admin Dashboard
Other services: UI/UX, System architecture, QA/Testing, Deployment.
MVP time/cost: 2 months $20k
Total project time/cost: 6 months $65k+
Check out the Clutch review here.
Case #2 Tool for Video- and Photographers to Work with Clients
With this case, STDev developed a tool for videographers and photographers that would serve as a collaboration platform with their clients. Specifically:
- Backend API
- Website
- User dashboard
- Admin Dashboard
Other services: UI/UX, System architecture, QA/Testing, Deployment.
MVP time/cost: 3 months $25k
Total project time/cost: 5 months $70k+
To read the Clutch review, click here.
Case #3 School Management System
With this product, my team and I developed:
- Backend API
- Website
- User dashboard
- Multi-level management dashboard
Other services: UI/UX, System architecture, QA/Testing, Deployment.
MVP time/cost: 1.5 months $15k
Total project time/cost: 3 years / $300k+
Check out the Clutch review here.

In essence, calculating the cost of your SaaS product developments depends on the time it takes, hourly rate, tools used, and required specifications. Always be open and honest about your budget and any time restrictions you may have with the outsourcing company you choose to work with.